10 Simple Mindfulness Techniques To Help You Beat Stress Today

We all know that stress isn’t good for us. It can lead to high blood pressure, heart disease, and even depression. 

But it also has an impact on our mental wellbeing. It makes us more likely to get angry or annoyed than if we weren’t stressed out in the first place, which makes it hard to focus on anything other than getting away from whatever’s upsetting us right now. 

Luckily there are some simple things you can do every day that will help you beat back stress before it takes over your life:

10-Minute Meditation For Stress
1. Mindfulness exercises can be an effective and simple way to reduce stress in your daily life.
2. Just a few minutes of mindfulness practice each day can improve your overall sense of wellbeing.
3. Mindfulness can help improve communication and strengthen relationships with others.
4. Practicing mindfulness can help reduce anxiety and improve your overall mood.
5. There are many different relaxation techniques that can be used to reduce stress and improve mental health.

Focus on Your Breathing

To begin, sit in a comfortable position with your back straight. You can do this at the office or at home in front of your computer screen. 

Close your eyes and focus on your breathing. Breathe deeply and allow yourself to relax as you breathe from your belly rather than shallowly from your chest. After taking a few deep breaths through both nostrils, breathe out slowly through pursed lips this will help calm you down even more! 

When you’re ready, count how many breaths it takes before one full breath cycle (inhale and exhale) happens again without having to stop between breaths or take an extra breath when it’s not necessary (like when we’re nervous). 

Count this number until it gets back up to ten total cycles before starting over again with one full cycle of inhalation followed by exhalation-this should take about 20 minutes in total!

Focus on Your Breathing: This technique is great for increasing blood flow throughout the body while releasing tension that may be built up from days spent sitting behind a desk all day long.”

Want to reduce your stress levels quickly? Try these simple mindfulness exercises that can be done anywhere, anytime and see the results for yourself.

Try a Body Scan

A body scan is a mindfulness technique that helps you become aware of the sensations in your body. You start at your toes, and then move up slowly (typically from the bottom up) until you reach your head.

In between each part of your body, focus on how it feels to be alive there: what does it feel like to be breathing into this foot or that knee? 

Feel free to experiment with different kinds of breaths, too breathing in deeply or breathing out slowly can help you focus better than simply breathing normally. If any thoughts arise, let them go by gently bringing your attention back to feeling the sensations in that part of your body. 

Similarly, if emotions arise (such as sadness), try letting those feelings go by gently bringing yourself back into focus on how things feel physically around you right now without judging them as good or bad; this will help keep them from getting out of control and becoming overwhelming!

HeadspaceUse the Headspace app to guide you through a body scan meditation for stress relief and relaxation.
Beach Body ScanImagine yourself lying on a beach and scan your body from toes to head, feeling the warmth of the sun and the gentle motion of the waves.
Loving-Kindness Body ScanFocus on sending love and positive energy to each part of your body, starting at your toes and working up to your head.
Progressive Muscle RelaxationTense and relax each muscle group, starting with your toes and working up to your head, to release tension and physical stress.

Tense and Release Different Muscle Groups

This is a simple technique that can be done anywhere and at any time. To begin, identify a muscle group to focus on. 

For example, you could choose your hands or feet. Next, tense the muscles in that group for five seconds and then release. You’ll want to repeat this process several times until you feel a relaxed sensation throughout the entire body part (or parts).

Let’s say we decide to do this technique with our hands; after identifying our chosen area of focus, we would first clench our fists as tightly as possible for five seconds before relaxing them completely. 

We then repeat this process three more times before moving onto another finger the thumb and repeating the action four additional times until all ten fingers are completed.

Managing stress doesn’t have to take hours out of your day. In fact, just 5 minutes of mindfulness practice a day can improve your overall wellbeing and help you feel more focused and calm.

Do a Check-In

Body check-in: To get started, simply sit or lie down in a comfortable position. Close your eyes and allow your body to relax. Take a few deep breaths, pausing between inhaling and exhaling for about 5 seconds each time. 

Once you’ve settled into this rhythm, pick an area of the body to focus on it could be your feet or hands, but it can also be something like “my shoulders” or even “my heart.” 

Notice what it feels like to breathe into that part of your body and let go of any tension there may be for just a moment as you take slow, deep breaths through the nose and out through the mouth again.

Thought check-in: In addition to noticing where you feel tension in your body (which is usually called “mindfulness”), it’s important to also notice what thoughts are running through your mind at any given time and then choose which ones deserve more attention!

For example: perhaps one thought keeps coming back over and over again…maybe it’s something positive like “I’m excited!” Or maybe it’s negative such as “I am stressed right now.” 

Either way try not judge yourself because we all have those moments; instead simply acknowledge them without allowing them control over us by getting upset about our self talk being negative or positive but rather accepting ourselves unconditionally regardless of how our minds think about things.

Do Grounding Exercises

Grounding exercises are an excellent way to keep your mind present in the moment. They also help you feel more connected to your body and mind, which can help you relax and de-stress. 

Grounding exercises are a great way to stay calm when things get stressful because they remind you that there is someone who cares about the outcome of a situation – that person being yourself!

5-4-3-2-1 TechniqueIdentify and focus on 5 things you can see, 4 things you can touch, 3 things you can hear, 2 things you can smell, and 1 thing you can taste to stay present in the moment.
Mindful BreathingFocus on your breath, inhaling for a count of 4 and exhaling for a count of 4. Repeat until feeling calm.
Progressive Muscle RelaxationTense and relax each muscle group, starting with your toes and working up to your head, to release tension and physical stress.
Body Scan MeditationFocus on each part of your body starting at your toes and working up to your head, noticing any sensations without judgment.
YogaPractice yoga as a way to connect your body and mind, improve breathing and circulation, and release physical tension.

Exercise Slowly and Mindfully

When you exercise, it’s important to first warm up your muscles and then cool them down.

Breathe deeply as you stretch before exercising. Your movements should be slow and steady so that your body has the chance to get used to the activity.

Slow down when running or cycling, for example; don’t sprint from one place to another but rather move at a comfortable pace that allows for mindful breathing and relaxation.

Your mental health is just as important as your physical health, and practicing mindfulness can help. Try out these 10 mindfulness techniques to boost your mood, reduce stress and improve your overall wellbeing.

Eat Mindfully

Eat Mindfully: If you’ve ever found yourself eating when you’re not even hungry, or while watching TV or working on your computer, you know how easy it is to eat unconsciously. But when we eat mindlessly, we don’t pay attention to the taste of our food and experience its full flavor. 

It’s also nearly impossible to savor the experience fully if there are distractions around us. To eat mindfully will help us appreciate what we’re putting in our body more than ever before and make us feel more satiated after meals.

We can practice eating with more awareness by focusing on the taste, texture and smell of our food as well as chewing slowly so that we get all those nutrients from each bite instead of just swallowing everything whole! 

Eating should be a relaxing experience for everyone involved — so try to avoid distractions like cellphones or television while eating together at home with family members too! 

If possible try setting aside one day per week where everyone eats together without any electronics whatsoever (but don’t worry — games like “Scrabble” count).

You may find that eating meals outdoors in a peaceful environment might be preferable since there won’t be any noises coming from televisions nearby which could distract us while trying focus solely on enjoying our mealtime together.”

Are you looking for an effective way to manage stress and feel more grounded in your daily life? Discover how mindfulness can change your life with simple techniques you can incorporate into your routine starting today.

Focus on One Thing at a Time

Focus on one thing at a time. When you’re feeling stressed, it’s easy to think of everything that’s going wrong in your life or at work. 

But, focusing on too many things at once will only make you feel overwhelmed and anxious. Instead, try focusing on one thing at a time and taking care of it before moving onto the next task.

Don’t worry about the past or future. Stress can often be caused by worrying about things that have happened in the past or worries about what might happen in the future but there’s really no way to change either of those things! 

Worrying about something doesn’t make it better (and sometimes stress is just part of life). Instead of dwelling on these negative thoughts, learn how to let go and move forward with your life instead!

Pomodoro TechniqueBreak your work into focused 25-minute intervals with 5-minute breaks in between.
Forest AppUse an app like Forest to stay off your phone or other distractions for a set amount of time.
Time BlockingSchedule time for specific tasks and guard that time as you would an important meeting.
Do Not DisturbTurn off notifications and alerts while completing work to avoid interruptions.
Zen ModeUse the Zen Mode feature on smartphones to block notifications, incoming calls, and texts for a set amount of time.

Practice Loving Kindness Meditation

Loving-kindness meditation is a form of Buddhist meditation that focuses on wishing yourself and others happiness. It’s often done by repeating phrases like “May I be happy” or “May you be happy,” but you can also focus on the breath, a candle flame, or an image of someone who makes you feel warm and cozy inside.

No matter what method you choose to use, this type of meditation helps lower stress levels because it teaches us to focus on something other than ourselves. 

The more we practice focusing outwardly rather than inwardly with self-criticism and worry, the less stressed we’ll be and the more loving kindness we’ll feel toward others (and ourselves).

Loving-kindness is something that should be practiced daily because it takes time to change our habits but even just five minutes per day will make a big difference in how much stress we experience throughout each day!

Good communication is the foundation of healthy relationships. Learn how to be more present and engaged with your loved ones with our guide on mindful communication, and start building stronger connections with those around you.


These are only a few simple mindfulness techniques to help you beat stress today. You can use them anytime, anywhere and they will help you feel more in control of your thoughts and emotions. 

Take some time to practice these methods and make sure that you do not forget about them when you need them most.

Further Reading

If you’re interested in learning more about mindfulness and stress reduction, here are some helpful articles to check out:

8 Mindfulness Exercises That Also Reduce Stress: Discover eight easy mindfulness exercises that can help you reduce stress and feel more present in the moment.

Tips to practice mindfulness: Using these simple tricks to beat anxiety: Learn how to use mindfulness to manage anxiety with helpful tips and tricks for incorporating mindfulness into your daily routine.

Six relaxation techniques to reduce stress: Harvard Health Publishing offers six relaxation techniques to reduce stress and help you feel more calm and centered.


What is mindfulness?

Mindfulness is a practice of paying attention to the present moment without judgment. It involves bringing your attention to the sensations in your body, your thoughts, and your surroundings.

How can mindfulness help with stress?

Practicing mindfulness can help reduce stress by helping to regulate the body’s stress response, improving emotional regulation, and increasing feelings of positivity.

Is mindfulness difficult to practice?

Mindfulness can be challenging at first, but like any new skill, it takes practice. With consistent effort and guidance, anyone can learn to incorporate mindfulness into their daily life.

Is mindfulness a religious practice?

While mindfulness has roots in spiritual traditions such as Buddhism, it is not inherently tied to any one religion. Many mindfulness practices are secular and can be used by anyone, regardless of their beliefs.

Can mindfulness be practiced at work?

Yes, mindfulness can be practiced at work. Many workplaces offer mindfulness programs or resources, but you can also incorporate mindfulness into your workday on your own, such as taking mindful breaks or practicing deep breathing exercises.