How Mindfulness Can Help You Overcome Depression

Depression is a serious mental health condition that can affect anyone, regardless of age, gender or background. It can be caused by many different factors and has a variety of symptoms. 

Although there are many different types of depression such as bipolar disorder, postpartum depression and seasonal affective disorder (SAD), the most common form is major depressive disorder (MDD).

How To Use Mindfulness For Depression
Mindfulness can help those struggling with depression.
Practicing mindfulness has been shown to offer many benefits for mental health, including improved emotional regulation and decreased rumination.
There are many different mindfulness techniques that can be used to help reduce symptoms of depression, such as breath-awareness meditation, body scan meditation, and loving-kindness meditation.
Consistent practice over time is key to experiencing the full benefits of mindfulness.
Mindfulness is a technique that can be learned and applied by anyone, regardless of age, gender, or cultural background.

Be In The Moment

  • Be mindful of your surroundings.
  • Focus on the present moment, instead of dwelling on the past or worrying about the future.
  • Be aware of your body’s sensations, such as tension in your shoulders or difficulty breathing fully.
  • Focus on your breathing and take time to slow it down before you speak or act in any situation that makes you anxious or uncomfortable.
  • Think about how you feel in the moment (for example: happy, sad, angry) rather than how others are making you feel (for example: judged).

Mindfulness has been shown to help those suffering from depression to overcome their struggles. Dive deeper into the ways mindfulness can help overcome depression and start your journey to a healthier state of mind.

Find A Good Mindfulness Teacher

Finding a good teacher is key to your success in learning mindfulness. It can be challenging to find someone who understands your needs and has the right experience, but it’s worth the effort because they’ll make all the difference in your journey with meditation.

Here are some things you should look for:

Does this instructor have an advanced degree in psychology or related fields? Look for an instructor who has several years of experience teaching people similar to yourself, as well as relevant credentials such as a graduate degree or certification from organizations like International Association of Meditation Teachers (IAMT). 

They will be able to help you understand how mindfulness can benefit you personally, rather than just giving general advice on how meditation might help anyone—which isn’t very helpful if all we want is something specific!

Connect To The World Around You

Connect to the world around you. This is one of the most important steps in battling depression. Being aware of your surroundings, what’s happening around you, and what is happening in your life allows for greater self-awareness, which can help with building self-esteem and confidence. 

Being aware of what is happening in your mind also helps with this process as well as recognizing triggers that lead to negative thoughts. 

By being aware of what is happening in your body (such as physical symptoms), it allows for better understanding about how to manage those symptoms should they arise again later on down the road when experiencing another bout of depression or anxiety.

Walking meditationInvolves walking slowly and intentionally while focusing on your breath or the sensation of your feet touching the ground. The app Insight Timer offers guided walking meditations.
Nature meditationEncourages spending time in nature and using the sights, sounds, and smells as a focus for mindfulness. The app Nature Space offers a variety of nature sounds and guided meditations.
Mindful observationInvolves taking time to observe your surroundings, paying attention to the details and sensations. The app Mindful Moments offers guided mindful observation exercises.
Gratitude practiceHelps you focus on the positive aspects of life and cultivate feelings of gratitude for the world around you. The app Gratitude Plus offers a guided gratitude journal and daily prompts.

These techniques and others can help you connect to the world around you and cultivate greater self-awareness. Try incorporating them into your daily routine and see how they impact your overall well-being.

Discover Your Triggers

When it comes to understanding the root of your depression, identifying your triggers is key. Taking time to think about what might be triggering your feelings can help you avoid or cope with them better.

Once you’ve identified your triggers, you may find that some of them are easy to avoid, while others are more difficult. 

For example, if a stressful day at work is causing you to feel depressed after work and on weekends, then take steps now before those stressful days come up (like by scheduling all-day meetings over the weekend) so that when they do happen you won’t experience as much stress. 

If a certain person regularly causes conflict in situations where everyone else seems happy and upbeat and this makes you feel like an outsider then try avoiding that person as best as possible during these situations (though this could be easier said than done).

Alternatively, if there’s no way around being in these trigger situations because they’re unavoidable (e.g., family gatherings), then make sure not only are there people around who know how they affect you but also see whether or not there’s anything specific about those events that sets off negative emotions within yourself; perhaps something needs changing in order for them not having such an adverse effect on yourself anymore?

For those who have experienced trauma or PTSD, mindfulness can be an incredibly effective tool for healing. Learn more about the power of mindfulness and how it can be applied to help overcome these challenges.

Prioritize Self-Care

When you’re struggling with depression, it can be tempting to put yourself last on your list of priorities. But in order to combat the symptoms of depression and start feeling better, it’s important to prioritize self-care and do what you need in order to take care of yourself.

Tips for practicing self-care include:

  • Setting aside time for yourself each day (even if it’s just ten minutes).
  • Doing things that make you feel good—reading a book, going for a walk in nature or listening to uplifting music are all great ways to start!

Use Mindfulness As A Grounding Technique

Many people with depression find that mindfulness can help them ground themselves, relax and focus their attention on the present moment. 

It can also help them feel connected to their bodies, which is often a big part of what’s missing for those who are depressed.

For example:

Grounding yourself in the present moment means putting your attention on something that’s real and physical like the feeling of your feet touching the floor or how it feels when you breathe in and out. 

You might try doing this as you’re sitting down with a cup of tea or coffee; just take one sip at a time and pay close attention to how it feels going down your throat.

Relaxation techniques such as deep breathing are effective because they calm both our minds and bodies by activating relaxation hormones like endorphins and oxytocin (this is why hugs from friends make us feel good!). 

When we’re relaxed physically, our minds automatically slow down too—and this helps us better manage our negative emotions when they arise again later on (like anger). Try practicing these exercises whenever possible: “3-2-1 Breathing,” “4-7 Breathing” or “Mindful Connections.”

Mental health is something that affects everyone, which is why it’s important to be proactive in taking care of yourself. Discover 10 mindfulness techniques that can help improve your mental well-being and lead to a happier and healthier life.

Practice What You Learn

When you practice mindfulness, it’s important to do so in the moment. The point of practicing mindfulness isn’t to become a better person; it’s to help you deal with your feelings and emotions as they happen. 

So try not to put off your practice until later, or put it off for days at a time because of other commitments. If you’re having trouble getting into the habit of daily meditation, make sure that it becomes an ingrained part of your day!

Practicing mindfulness takes time and effort but if you stick with it, there are many benefits: improved sleep quality; reduced stress levels; less anxiety and depression; more happiness throughout the day; improved relationships with others (including family members). 

You can even use mindfulness techniques as tools for self-care when dealing with pain from chronic illnesses like fibromyalgia or arthritis by learning how to relax tense muscles through deep breathing exercises like diaphragmatic breathing (or “belly breaths”).

Go Easy On Yourself

What is mindfulness? It’s the practice of focusing on what you’re doing in the moment. Mindfulness can help you overcome depression because it helps you stop comparing yourself to others, and instead focus on your own journey.

When was the last time you said something negative about yourself? When was the last time you beat yourself up over a mistake or failure? If these thoughts are popping into your head regularly, begin to notice them as they occur. 

Then try replacing them with something positive: “I am working hard at this skill! I will get better with time!” Every time a negative thought enters your mind, take note of it and replace it with a more encouraging one. 

In doing so, you may even start noticing that there are fewer negative thoughts coming into your head than before and hopefully none at all!

Mindfulness Techniques to Help You Go Easy On Yourself

Loving-kindness meditationFocuses on directing feelings of love and compassion toward yourself and others. Apps like Insight Timer and Stop, Breathe & Think offer guided loving-kindness meditations.
Body scan meditationHelps you connect with your body and release physical tension. Headspace and Calm both offer guided body scan meditations.
Breath-awareness meditationTeaches you to focus on the present moment by paying attention to your breath. The app Breathwrk offers guided breath-awareness meditations of varying lengths.
Mindful movementIncorporates gentle movement such as yoga or tai chi with mindfulness techniques. Yoga with Adriene and Glo offer online yoga classes focused on mindfulness.
Mindful self-compassionPromotes feelings of self-love, self-kindness, and understanding. Kristin Neff has written extensively on the topic and offers guided meditations on her website.

These techniques and others can help you go easy on yourself and develop a more compassionate and mindful outlook on life. Try different techniques and find what works best for you.

Enlist Friends And Family For Support

You’re not alone. Depression can feel isolating and hopeless, but you don’t have to go through it alone. 

Seek support from trusted friends and family members when you need someone to talk to, or if you want to take a break from your daily routine by going out for dinner, a movie, or even just a walk around the neighborhood.

Friends and family can provide a much-needed reminder that life goes on without your constant attention which can be both a good thing (because it allows you to focus on yourself) and a bad thing (because it reminds you that the world still functions without your participation). 

Friendships also help us feel understood in ways we might not find with our therapist, who has limited time with us each week but may not know everything about our lives outside of therapy sessions. 

And as anyone who has ever been supported by family knows all too well: sometimes it takes more than just giving advice; sometimes all someone needs is simply being there for them during difficult times.

Stress and anxiety are all too common in everyday life, but there are ways to manage and reduce their impact. Find out why mindfulness is the key to reducing stress and anxiety and how practicing mindfulness can make a difference in your life.

Seek Mindfulness Out Every Day.

You can start small and grow from there. Rather than trying to be mindful all the time, it’s less overwhelming to just try to find some space in your day. If this means taking five minutes before bedtime to meditate or focusing on being aware of one thing at a time during a busy morning, that’s great!

It also helps if you find ways of practicing mindfulness when you’re already feeling calm and relaxed–that way it’ll feel easier, more like second nature. 

This is especially important if you have trouble concentrating when you’re stressed out or tired, which happens for many people who are struggling with depression (and for everyone else). 

The next time you feel calm and relaxed–whether that’s watching TV after work or taking a bubble bath–try bringing awareness into what’s happening inside yourself as well as around yourself.

Ways to Incorporate Mindfulness into Your Daily Routine

Time of DayMindfulness Activity
MorningStart the day with a meditation session using apps such as Headspace or Calm.
MiddayTake a few minutes during lunch break to focus on your breath and clear your mind.
AfternoonUse a mindfulness reminder app like MindBell or Insight Timer to prompt you to take a mindfulness break.
EveningPractice yoga or gentle stretching before bed to quiet your mind and relax your body.

These are just a few ways to incorporate mindfulness into your daily routine. Experiment with different techniques and find what works best for you. Remember, the key is to seek mindfulness out every day to experience its full benefits.

Start A Regular Practice Of Gratitude

Gratitude is a powerful tool for improving your mental health and can help you overcome depression. It can also help you feel happier, sleep better, and reduce stress. 

One study found that people who wrote about what they were grateful for once a week had fewer symptoms of depression than those who didn’t (and those who did it daily had even better results).

To get started, make a list of 3-5 things each day that you feel grateful for, then keep track of them in a journal or on your phone. 

You might find that some days are easier than others sometimes we feel like everything is going wrong but it’s important not to give up! 

Remembering what we have instead of focusing on what we don’t may take some practice at first but with time will become easier and more natural.

The impact of mindfulness on mental health has been well-documented, but what does the science say? Learn about the science behind mindfulness and its documented effects on those who practice it regularly.


The world can be a tough place, but there are ways to make it a little easier on yourself. Mindfulness is one of those ways. 

With mindfulness, you can learn to better manage your thoughts and feelings so that they don’t take over your life. 

It’s not easy (hence why we wrote this blog post), but if you start practicing now, then before long you might find yourself feeling happier and more at peace with yourself than ever before!

Further Reading

Here are some additional resources to learn more about mindfulness and its impact on depression:

Can Mindfulness Help When You’re Depressed? – An article from the Greater Good Science Center at UC Berkeley that explores how mindfulness can help those struggling with depression.

How Does Mindfulness Reduce Depression? – This article from Psych Central dives into the ways that mindfulness has been shown to help reduce symptoms of depression.

The Cover Story: Mindfulness Takes Root – This article from the American Psychological Association’s Monitor on Psychology discusses the growing popularity of mindfulness and the ways it is being used to help treat depression and other mental health conditions.


What is mindfulness?

Mindfulness is the practice of paying attention to the present moment and experiencing it without judgment. It involves becoming more aware of your thoughts, feelings, and bodily sensations.

How does mindfulness help with depression?

Studies have shown that mindfulness can help reduce symptoms of depression by increasing emotional regulation, decreasing rumination, and improving overall psychological well-being.

Can mindfulness be practiced by anyone?

Yes, mindfulness can be practiced by anyone, regardless of age, gender, or cultural background. It is a technique that can be learned and applied to one’s life in a variety of ways.

How long does it take for mindfulness to have an impact on mental health?

The effects of mindfulness on mental health can be felt relatively quickly, but the extent to which it helps depends on the individual. Consistent practice over time can lead to more significant improvements.

Are there specific mindfulness techniques that work best for depression?

While there are many mindfulness techniques that can be used to help manage depression, some of the most common include breath-awareness meditation, body scan meditation, and loving-kindness meditation.