The Power Of Mindfulness: How To Manage Stress In Just 5 Minutes A Day

When you first start practicing mindfulness, it may feel like a lot of work. But once you get the hang of it, you’ll wonder why you didn’t start sooner! 

If you’ve never tried meditation before or are looking for new ways to de-stress and center yourself, then this article is for you. We’ll show you how mindfulness can be used as an antidote for stress in just five minutes each day.

The Power of a Pause | 6 Minute Guided Meditation
Key Takeaways
Mindfulness practices can be a powerful tool for reducing stress and anxiety in our daily lives.
With just 5 minutes a day of mindfulness practice, we can cultivate a deeper sense of calm and relaxation.
Breathing exercises are a simple and effective way to manage stress and anxiety.
The practice of mindfulness can improve our overall well-being, including reducing stress and anxiety.
Meditation is a powerful way to focus and concentrate the mind, which can help improve emotional regulation and overall well-being.

Focusing On The Breath

Focusing on your breath is the first step in mindfulness meditation, and there are many reasons why this technique works. One reason is that it’s easy to do you only have to focus on breathing in and out, which means there’s no need to think about anything else. 

You can do it anywhere, anytime, as long as you’re not standing up or driving a car (though if you want to give it a try but don’t know how to start meditating yet, we recommend checking out our free app). 

The other benefit is its simplicity: focusing on your breath is like having an exercise regimen that will always work for any size body or ability level even if your mind wanders away from the task at hand several times during each session!

But even though focusing on the breath has great benefits for managing stress and calming down quickly, sometimes it takes us some time before we can get into the habit of doing so regularly. 

Luckily there are plenty of ways we can prepare ourselves mentally before heading into meditation practice itself so that when those days come where our minds seem like they’ll never stop racing around with thoughts about work deadlines looming over our heads like dark clouds threatening rain (or worse), then hopefully these tips will help keep them at bay until we’ve had enough time alone without distractions so that they’re ready again without being too much under pressure while feeling overwhelmed by whatever else might be going wrong right now…

Mindfulness exercises can be a powerful tool for reducing stress and anxiety in our daily lives. By taking just 5 minutes a day to practice mindfulness, we can cultivate a deeper sense of calm and relaxation. Check out our guide on mindfulness exercises to learn more.

Mindful Walking

By now, you’re probably familiar with the core principles of mindfulness:

  • Focus on the present
  • Be aware of your body and surroundings
  • Don’t judge yourself or others.

For this exercise, all you have to do is focus on what it feels like to take a step. As soon as you notice your mind wandering off into thoughts about the past or future (which will happen), just gently bring back your attention to where it should be in your body and on the task at hand.

Reduces stressTen Percent Happier: Meditation
Enhances focusMyLife
Boosts creativityHeadspace
Increases body awarenessFitbit, Yoga Wake Up
Improves overall well-beingInsight Timer

Counting Breaths

Counting breaths is a great way to focus on the present moment. When you start counting your breaths, you will notice that your mind begins to relax. 

When this happens, it’s time to bring in something else positive in order to help keep your mind off anything negative. 

This can be done by focusing on one positive thing at a time or using one positive thing at a time as an anchor for your counting practice. You can do this in 3 different ways:

  • Counting 1-5 breaths while focusing on each number individually
  • Counting up from 1-5 while focusing on each number individually
  • Counting down from 5-1 while focusing on each number individually

Breathing exercises are a simple and effective way to manage stress and anxiety, allowing us to slow down and focus on the present moment. If you’re looking for ways to incorporate mindfulness practices into your daily routine, be sure to check out our guide on mindfulness breathing exercises for more information.

Body Scan Meditation

The body scan is a meditation technique that requires you to focus on one part of your body at a time. As you breathe, bring your attention to that specific part and notice how it feels. If you find yourself thinking about something else, gently bring your focus back to the body part being meditated upon.

If you’re having trouble staying focused, try using the breathing technique as a reminder—each inhale should be associated with a thought or feeling of gratitude; each exhale should be associated with releasing all stress or pain from the previous minutes’ contemplation.

The practice of mindfulness has been shown to have numerous benefits for our physical and mental health, from reducing stress and anxiety to improving overall well-being. To learn more about how mindfulness can improve your wellness, check out our guide on the power of mindfulness.

Sensory Meditation

Sensory meditation is a simple form of mindfulness that anyone can do. The goal of this exercise is to focus on all five senses in the space around you, both internally and externally. This practice helps you become more aware of your surroundings and less focused on what’s going on in your head.

Start by sitting down somewhere quiet, where you won’t be disturbed for 5 minutes or so. Close your eyes, take some deep breaths and focus on the sounds around you: birds chirping? The sound of traffic? People talking? If there are any smells or tastes, try breathing them in deeply as well—you may be surprised at how much more intense they become when we slow down enough to notice them! 

If it’s cold outside (or hot!), feel free to enjoy the sensation of temperature change between inside and out and if something feels smooth or rough against your skin when you touch it notice those textures too!

Benefits of Sensory Meditation

Promotes relaxationInsight Timer
Reduces anxietyBreethe, Meditation & Relaxation
Enhances focusScentered
Increases body awarenessYoga Wake Up, FitOn
Boosts sensory perceptionSmiling Mind

Inviting Calm After A Stressful Situation

At the end of a stressful day, you can invite calm by doing something simple and relaxing. You could take a few breaths with your eyes closed, or practice yoga. 

The key is to avoid thinking about what happened during the day or how tomorrow will be better (or worse). Just notice your surroundings and how they make you feel. Do this for five minutes once or twice a day when it’s convenient for you.

Stress is a common struggle that can take a toll on our overall well-being, but with mindfulness, we can learn to manage our stress levels and improve our quality of life. If you’re interested in learning more about how mindfulness can help you manage stress, check out our guide on how mindfulness can change your life.

Focusing On One Thing

You are able to concentrate and focus on one thing at a time.

You can see that mindfulness is not about what you think about or why, it is about being present in the moment and focusing on what you are doing. This can be applied in all areas of life, from work to family life. 

The following exercise demonstrates how easy it is to become absorbed in the present moment:

Sit comfortably with your back straight but not rigid, close your eyes if you like and assume a posture that feels relaxed for you (the classic lotus position works well). 

Bring attention to your breathing by imagining that each breath takes place through an imaginary tube going into your nostrils, down into the lungs then out again as air fills up above and below this tube creating a balloon-like shape inside us which expands and contracts as we breathe out and inhale respectively – notice how this makes us feel calmer each time we do it?

Increases productivityGoogle Calendar, Forest App
Reduces stressHeadspace, Calm
Boosts creativityMuse
Can improve memoryLumosity, Elevate

Just Being, Not Doing

When you’re mindful, you’re present. You let go of expectations and focus on the present moment instead. When you’re mindful, you don’t worry about the past or future. 

Instead of being a perfectionist, who always expects things to turn out perfectly all the time, mindfulness helps you accept things as they are in that moment and that includes your imperfections.

Mindfulness is not meant to eliminate stress entirely; it’s simply one tool that can help reduce stress levels and prevent them from becoming overwhelming. 

It’s also important not to judge yourself or others while practicing mindfulness because this will only add more stress onto your plate by making it harder for yourself (or others) to find peace within themselves.

Mindfulness is a powerful way to combat stress, allowing us to cultivate a sense of peace and calm in the midst of chaos. If you’re wondering which mindfulness techniques are best for managing stress, be sure to check out our guide on mindfulness vs stress for more information.


So, now that you have learned about all of these mindfulness techniques, what are you going to do with them? Try them out. See which ones work best for you and then make it a habit to practice every day. 

And remember: if at first it seems too difficult or time consuming—that’s okay! Just keep trying until the benefits start showing up in your life!

Further Reading:

Here are some helpful articles to learn more about mindfulness and meditation:

How 5 Minutes of Meditation a Day Can Change Your Life: This article explains the power of meditation and how it can change the way you experience every moment of your life.

How to Manage Stress with Mindfulness and Meditation: This article provides practical advice on how to use mindfulness and meditation to reduce stress and improve overall well-being.

This daily ritual will help you de-stress in just 5 minutes: This article outlines a quick and easy 5-minute ritual to help you reduce stress and improve focus.


What is mindfulness?

Mindfulness is the practice of paying attention to the present moment with openness, curiosity, and non-judgment. It involves turning our attention inward, becoming more aware of our thoughts, feelings, and bodily sensations.

What are the benefits of mindfulness?

Research has shown that mindfulness can have a variety of benefits, including reduced stress and anxiety, improved focus and concentration, increased emotional regulation, and improved overall well-being.

How can I start practicing mindfulness?

There are many ways to practice mindfulness, including meditation, yoga, deep breathing, and mindful walking. It can be as simple as taking a few deep breaths or paying attention to the sensations in your body.

What is meditation?

Meditation is a practice of training the mind to focus and concentrate, often through specific techniques such as deep breathing or visualization. It can help to reduce stress, increase emotional regulation, and improve overall well-being.

How can I incorporate mindfulness into my daily routine?

There are many ways to incorporate mindfulness into your daily routine, such as taking a few deep breaths before starting your day, practicing mindful eating, or taking a mindfulness break during the day to check in with yourself and re-center.