The Ultimate Guide to Yoga for Weight Loss

Yoga is an incredible way to lose weight, gain flexibility, and feel fantastic. But if you’re new to the practice or have never done yoga before, it can be overwhelming—especially when it comes to choosing a class or setting up at home. 

That’s why we’ve put together this guide: to help you on your journey toward better health through yoga! In it, we’ll walk through everything from poses and breathing exercises to how-tos for getting started with yoga practice.

Yoga For Weight Loss | 40 Minute Fat Burning Workout
Practicing yoga can help with weight loss by reducing stress, boosting metabolism, and enhancing flexibility.
Certain yoga poses can be especially effective for weight loss, such as Sun Salutations, Boat Pose, and Warrior II.
Combining yoga with meditation can create a powerful mind-body connection and enhance overall wellness.
Practicing yoga for weight loss can also provide additional benefits such as improved stress management, better sleep, and increased energy.
Consistency is key when using yoga for weight loss, so aim to practice regularly, at least three times per week.

1. Shoulder Stand / Sarvangasana

This pose is a great one to start with if you’re new to yoga or if you’re working on your core and strength in general. It helps burn fat by strengthening the back muscles and also improves flexibility in the spine and shoulders. 

To do it: Lie on your back with your arms straight above your head, palms facing up. Lift your feet off the ground so only about half of each foot is touching down for support (this will give you extra height), then lift both legs toward the ceiling until they are perpendicular with the rest of your body, pointing straight up at the ceiling; this is called Plank Pose if this feels too difficult, keep working on it bit by bit until you can master it! 

Once in plank pose, gently lower one knee down toward either side of your chest (you may need someone nearby to help). 

Do not let yourself fall over onto either side if this happens simply try again from scratch! Once both knees are bent at 90 degrees (one over each shoulder) slowly bring that same leg back down towards where it started while keeping them bent at 90 degrees throughout this entire process; repeat steps 2-4 two more times before switching sides with each leg coming down onto its respective shoulder; 

after completing all 3 repetitions switch sides again so that now both legs come together over one shoulder rather than two separate ones (For those who find shoulder stand too difficult there are many modifications available online including using blocks or blankets under knees or even doing handstands instead).

  • When holding any static posture such as shoulder stand make sure not to rush through it just because “it gets harder later on” because doing so could actually cause injury instead of helping strengthen muscles like we want!

Regularly practicing yoga can help alleviate back pain and improve overall health. With the right yoga poses and guidance, anyone can lengthen and strengthen their spine.

2. Plow pose / Halasana

Plow pose is another great pose for weight loss. The main benefit of plow pose is that it can help to relieve back pain and improve digestion, both of which are important in losing weight.

To do this pose: begin by lying on your back with knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Reach up toward the ceiling with your arms until you feel a stretch in your upper body; then raise both legs toward the ceiling as high as they will go without feeling any strain in your lower back. 

Next, draw one foot inward towards your outer hip (but not past it) while still holding onto it with one hand; move both hands to hold onto either side of that same foot now drawn inward, bringing some tension into those muscles; press them together firmly but don’t squeeze so hard that you cause pain or discomfort! 

Try not shake or tremble when holding this position for at least thirty seconds before releasing slowly into downward facing dog (see below). Once finished with this exercise practice full lotus if possible!

You can modify many yoga poses based on personal preference or if there are issues like injury preventing certain movements from working well together during practice sessions; however there are no real modifications needed when doing plow pose because its benefits come from being able to stretch out all parts

Spinal DecompressionStretches and releases tension in the spine, reducing lower back pain.
Improved DigestionMassages the organs of the abdominal cavity, thereby improving digestion.
Stress ReductionStretches the neck and shoulders, releasing built-up tension and promoting relaxation.
Enhanced FlexibilityIncreases flexibility in the spine, hips, hamstrings, and calves.
Deep RelaxationStimulates the parasympathetic nervous system, promoting a deep state of relaxation.

Note: Plow Pose (Halasana) is an inverted yoga pose that involves stretching the legs over the head until the toes touch the ground. This pose is an intermediate level pose that requires flexibility and practice, but when done correctly, it can offer numerous benefits for the body and mind.

3. Head to Knee Forward Bend / Janu Sirsasana

Janu Sirsasana, or Head to Knee Forward Bend, is another pose that’s easy for beginners to do. 

It also works wonders for weight loss. Here’s how you do it:

Begin by sitting in Dandasana (Staff Pose) with your legs straight on the floor in front of you, feet together and toes pointed up toward the ceiling.

Bend your torso forward from the hips until your chest is about 6 inches away from your thighs but don’t let it touch! Keep a slight bend in your knees as well as an active lift through the upper back so that no stress lands on them during this pose variation. 

Inhale deeply through each nostril while reaching toward one foot at a time with both hands until they meet at each side of the leg; keep pushing forward while keeping this same alignment throughout this entire yoga pose variation (if possible). 

If necessary, place blocks under each hand or beneath both palms if they’re getting sore from this particular variant of Head-to-Knee Forward Bend (also known as Janu Sirsasana).

Athletes who want to improve their performance can benefit from practicing yoga. In fact, the benefits of yoga for athletes include injury prevention, improved flexibility, and enhanced mental focus.

4. Triangle Pose / Trikonasana

The Triangle Pose is a great way to work your core without having to do a lot of other poses. It also helps with balance and posture, making it an excellent starter pose for beginners.

Benefits: This pose works your upper body, thighs and ankles. It stretches the shoulders and chest while strengthening the core muscles in your abdomen. Triangle Pose also helps with balance, flexibility, endurance and focus.

How To Do It: Start by standing on one leg with your arms held at chest height (make sure there are no objects behind you that could trip you). Make sure that both feet point forward then bend one knee until it is pointing up towards the ceiling; hold onto that knee with one hand as well if needed for support or grab onto a chair for added stability if needed (this will only make things easier). 

Take care not to drop either side of your hips too low because this can cause injury so instead keep them level with each other throughout this yoga pose exercise routine!

5. Cobra Pose / Bhujangasana

This pose is best for building your upper body strength, as well as improving your balance. It also helps to relieve tension and fatigue in the shoulders, neck, and back. 

This is a great pose for weight loss because it stretches the chest area that many people have problems with when it comes to losing fat around that region of their bodies. This is a simple pose that anyone can do at home without any equipment needed!

Yoga is a fantastic way to lose weight and promote wellness in both the body and mind. For an in-depth look at how to start practicing yoga for weight loss, check out The Ultimate Guide to Yoga for Weight Loss.

6. Locust Pose / Salabhasana

Locust Pose (Salabhasana) is a great way to build strength and endurance in the spine.

  • Lie face down on your stomach with arms at sides and palms flat on the floor, fingers facing forward.
  • Inhale as you raise your head, chest, arms, knees and feet off the floor so that only your toes touch it; keep your abdomen tucked in toward thighs for support.
  • Exhale as you lower back down until all limbs are relaxed on floor; repeat 10 times or more as necessary

7.Bow Pose / Dhanurasana

To do the bow pose, lie down on your stomach with your arms stretched out in front of you and palms facing up. Bend at the elbows and place your hands next to your shoulders. Inhale deeply as you raise your torso off the floor by straightening out one leg at a time until they are parallel with each other. 

Hold this position for 10 deep breaths before lowering yourself back down to rest on the floor. Repeat with both legs raised as well as resting one leg flat while keeping the other lifted off of it (this pose is called “modified bow”). 

As an added bonus, this pose stretches hamstrings and spine while strengthening arms and back muscles—and it relieves stress!


  • Stretches hamstrings, spine, chest and shoulders
  • Strengthens arms/hands/shoulders
  • Relieves stress

8. Boat Pose / Navasana

You’ll be glad to know that this pose is one of the most straightforward. All you have to do is lie down on your back with your feet firmly planted on the floor. 

Then, slowly raise your arms and legs until they’re perpendicular to the floor and parallel with each other. 

This will form a V-shape in front of you with both hands and feet pointing towards the ceiling. Hold this pose for as long as possible while breathing deeply through your nose (and try not to fall asleep).

Modify: If this feels too difficult or uncomfortable, go ahead and do it lying down instead!

Incorporating yoga into your fitness routine can help develop strength, flexibility, and balance in the body. Visit Unlock the Secret to a Stronger and More Flexible Body with Yoga to learn more about how yoga can help develop these key fitness components.

9. Side Plank Pose / Vasisthasana

This pose is great for building strength and toning the muscles of your core. The side plank also strengthens the shoulder joint, stretches your hip flexors, and works on improving balance. This pose can help you develop a stronger sense of awareness in relation to your body’s strength, alignment, balance and stability.

Begin by lying on one side with your legs straight out in front of you (A). Press through your feet as though trying to reach them toward each other; at the same time lift up into a forearm plank position (B).

To make this more challenging try bringing your bottom elbow down close to or onto the mat while keeping the other arm extended overhead. 

You may want to use blocks under each hand if it feels unstable or difficult for you at first! If this variation is too difficult then simply keep both arms extended overhead as shown below!

Core StrengthStrengthens the obliques, abs, and back muscles to improve core stability and strength.
Balance EnhancementChallenges balance and stability, improving overall balance over time.
Wrist StrengtheningDevelops strong wrists through the supportive hand position.
Lower Body ToningEngages and tones the glutes, hips, and thighs for a strong lower body.
Improved Breath ControlIncreased body awareness and breath control are developed while holding this pose.

Note: Side Plank Pose (Vasisthasana) is a powerful core-strengthening pose in the practice of yoga that requires the body to hold a side plank position using one arm and the side of one foot. It is an intermediate to advanced pose that offers numerous benefits for the body and mind.

10. Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation)

Surya Namaskar is a sequence of 12 different asanas that are done in the sun salutation, or Surya Namaskar. 

You may hear this pose called simply Sun Salutation, but it’s actually 12 variations on postures that you can do back-to-back. The Sanskrit word Surya means “sun,” and namaskar means “to greet.”

The sequence is performed in a series of 2, 4, or 6 rounds (the latter being the most challenging). Each round starts and ends with Uttanasana (standing forward fold) and has 3 rounds before going into repetition. Each round consists of 6 poses:

  • Tadasana (mountain pose)
  • Urdhva Hastasana (upward hands)
  • Tadasana again
  • Urdhva Hastasana again
  • Ardha Uttanasana (half forward fold), followed by Uttanasana at the end of this round…

Pairing yoga with meditation can create a perfect balance of physical and mental wellness in daily life. To learn more about the benefits of combining these practices, visit Yoga and Meditation: The Perfect Combination for Spiritual Enlightenment.

11. Kapalbhati Pranayama (Breathing Exercise)

Kapalbhati Pranayama is an intense breathing exercise that involves quickly exhaling air through the nose and mouth. 

This technique is great for weight loss because it increases the amount of oxygen in your blood. It can also help you with digestion, stress relief and mental clarity.

To perform Kapalbhati Pranayama:

Sit down on a chair or lie down on your back if you’re unable to sit up straight due to injury or discomfort.

Bend your knees slightly and keep them together while placing them at a 90-degree angle (make sure your heels are touching each other).

Place both palms flat on top of each other right under your navel with fingers pointing upwards towards the ceiling. Keep them there throughout the entire practice so they don’t drop down when inhaling deeply into their bellies during kapalbhati pranayama!

Now close off one nostril by pressing it gently with one finger, then do this same action over again so both nostrils are completely closed off from airflow from outside sources such as pollution etcetera (make sure not too much pressure though).

Stress ReductionAlleviates built-up stress and tension in the body.
Improved BreathingStrengthens the respiratory system and increases lung capacity.
Increased MetabolismCan help boost metabolism and promote weight loss.
Improved DigestionStimulates the digestive system and can improve digestion.
Increased CirculationEnhances blood flow and oxygen supply to vital organs.

Note: Kapalbhati Pranayama is a breathing exercise in the practice of yoga that involves rapid, forceful exhales and passive inhales. It is believed to have numerous health benefits for both the body and mind.

12. Bhastrika Pranayama (Breathing Exercise)

Bhastrika pranayama is a breathing exercise that you can do while standing or sitting. It’s especially good for weight loss because it increases the oxygen level in your body, which will enhance your metabolism and help burn fat faster. This breathing technique also helps with digestion, stress relief, and sleeping better at night.

To do this pranayama:

Inhale deeply through your nose for 8 counts to fill up your lungs as much as possible; hold it for another 16 counts; then exhale through pursed lips with force for 8 counts; inhale again through the nose for 8 counts; hold this position for another 16 counts; then exhale forcefully again through pursed lips with force for 8 counts before repeating steps 1-4 once more


Yoga is a great way to get in shape and lose weight. The more you practice yoga, the more you will see results. 

Your body will start showing signs of a healthy lifestyle as well as improved flexibility and strength. You’ll feel better about yourself too!

Further Reading

If you’re interested in learning more about the benefits of yoga for weight loss, here are some additional resources:

The Ultimate Guide to Yoga for Weight Loss: This guide offers a comprehensive, step-by-step approach to using yoga to lose weight and improve overall health.

Yoga for Weight Loss: 9 Asanas to Help You Lose Weight: This article provides an overview of nine yoga poses that can help you achieve your weight loss goals.

Yoga for Weight Loss for Beginners: If you’re new to yoga, this resource offers a beginner-friendly introduction to using yoga for weight loss.


How can yoga help with weight loss?

Yoga can help with weight loss in several ways. It can help reduce stress, which can lead to decreased cortisol production and a lower risk of weight gain. Practicing yoga regularly can also boost metabolism, increase cardiovascular health, and improve muscle tone and flexibility.

Is a specific type of yoga best for weight loss?

While any form of yoga can be beneficial for weight loss, some styles may be more effective than others. Generally, more active types of yoga, such as power yoga or Vinyasa flow, can be more effective for weight loss than gentle or restorative forms.

How often should I practice yoga for weight loss?

Practicing yoga for weight loss can be effective if done consistently. Aim to practice at least three times a week for best results, and gradually build up to daily practice if possible.

Are there any dietary restrictions I should follow when practicing yoga for weight loss?

While there are no specific dietary restrictions for practicing yoga for weight loss, it’s important to maintain a balanced, healthy diet to achieve optimal results. Eating whole, nutrient-dense foods and limiting processed foods and added sugars can help support your weight loss goals.

What are some other benefits of practicing yoga for weight loss?

In addition to weight loss, regular yoga practice can provide a variety of other benefits, including improved stress management, better sleep, increased energy, and enhanced overall well-being.