Transform Your Life With Mindful Living: 15 Simple Tips

I’ll be honest: I used to be a mess.

I was constantly stressed, anxious and depressed. Every day I would find myself thinking about my past and worrying about my future, instead of enjoying the moment. I didn’t know how to handle my emotions or deal with them in a healthy way. 

And that’s why I decided to start practicing mindfulness a way of living that helps me stay grounded in this world by being more aware of myself and others around me.

In this article, we’ll explore the basics of mindfulness and how you can use it in your daily life so that you can transform your life into something better than ever before!

Mindful Living Tips for Beginners | Mindfulness for Happiness
Mindful living can transform your life for the better.
Being present in the moment and cultivating self-awareness is key to living mindfully.
Mindful living can help manage stress and reduce anxiety.
Gratitude and kindness are important aspects of mindful living.
Mindful living is accessible to everyone regardless of their experience level.

Be Mindful Every Day

When you live mindfully, you are aware of your thoughts and emotions, your body’s sensations and movements, the sights around you, the sounds that surround you and even the smells and tastes.

You can practice mindfulness in any situation. Just try to be present in what is happening now; don’t think about what happened yesterday or what might happen tomorrow.

Mindfulness can be a powerful tool in managing stress, even in just a few minutes a day. Learn more about the power of mindfulness with our comprehensive guide to stress reduction.

Be More Aware of Your Emotions

Being more aware of your emotions is a great way to start living mindfully.

Be aware of your emotions as you feel them, without judging yourself for having them. Don’t ignore or suppress your emotions   it’s okay to feel sad, angry or frustrated sometimes! 

You don’t have to pretend that everything is always okay when it isn’t; instead, allow yourself time to be with those feelings without judgment or shame.

If possible, let the emotion flow through you like water from an open tap   let go and be in the moment rather than trying to stop it from happening. You’ll find that eventually these emotions will pass on their own (just like rain clouds eventually clear).

Count Your Blessings

“Counting your blessings” is a simple exercise that can help you feel more grateful and less stressed. It’s also a great way to foster gratitude in children, who may be more likely to be focused on what they don’t have than what they do. 

It’s been found that if you take the time to write down three things you’re grateful for every day, it will improve your mood and increase happiness levels by up-topping serotonin (the brain chemical associated with feeling happy).

Practicing mindfulness and self-care is crucial to achieving optimal mental and physical health. Check out our guide on mindfulness and self-care to learn simple ways to take care of yourself.

Do One Thing at a Time

How many times have you tried to do too much at once? For example, if you are working on a project and your phone rings, it’s easy to answer the call and start chatting away. 

Then someone knocks on your door and walks in without waiting for permission or an invitation. Next thing you know, they have joined in on the conversation. 

And then there are those moments when someone asks you something while they see that you are trying to read an article online so they wait until all distractions are gone before asking their question, right?

We live in a world where multi-tasking is often seen as the best way to get things done quickly but it’s not always true! Multi-tasking can lead us into thinking we’re doing more than we actually are and end up causing stress due to overload of information coming at us from different directions at once (think about driving while talking on the phone). 

It’s also possible that some things may slip through the cracks if we try too hard; for example: The person who asked me how my day was while I was trying out this recipe might think I don’t care about them because I didn’t answer them immediately after hearing their voice over my shoulder…or maybe even worse yet…they could think I’m ignoring them altogether!

Recommended Tools for Focusing on One Task at a Time

Forest AppAn app that helps users focus on one task at a time by planting virtual trees that grow as you work and die when you leave the app.
Pomodoro TechniqueA time management method that involves working on a task for 25 minutes and taking a 5-minute break, repeated four times and then followed by a longer break. Can be managed with various timer apps such as Focus Keeper.
Noise Cancelling HeadphonesHelps to block out auditory distractions while working on a single activity. Sennheiser and Sony are popular brands for this tool.
Single Purpose Tab ExtensionsWeb browser extensions such as OneTab or Strict Workflow that allow you to declutter your browser by focusing on one tab at a time.
Notion AppA productivity tool that allows you to keep track of important tasks or documents in one place, making it easier to focus on one task at a time.

Note: The table suggests some practical tools for helping to focus on one activity or task at a time. Examples range from app-based solutions like Forest App, to physical tools like noise-cancelling headphones, to browser-based solutions like Single Purpose Tab Extensions.

Don’t Focus On The Goal, Enjoy The Process

When we focus on the end goal, we can be disappointed by our progress. We may not be where we want to be yet and that can make us feel bad about ourselves. 

The key is not to get too hung up on the final result. Instead, enjoy being present in the process of getting there.

When you’re living mindfully and focused on enjoying your time here on Earth, it’s easy to start enjoying every moment of your life even when you’re doing things like going grocery shopping or doing chores around the house!

When you’re truly living in the NOW, there’s no need for comparison because everyone lives their own life and has their own journey (even if it looks very similar!). 

If you keep this fact in mind as well as remembering that others are different than yourself in many ways, then there’s no reason why anyone should compare themselves with others!

There’s a growing body of scientific evidence that highlights the benefits of mindfulness on mental health. For more information, take a look at our guide on the science behind mindfulness and discover the latest research on this life-changing practice.

Forgive Others

Forgiveness is a process. It’s important to forgive others for their mistakes because you can’t be happy if you are holding onto grudges. 

Forgiveness is not the same as forgetting or reconciliation; forgiveness simply allows you to let go of the need to punish someone in order to feel better, thereby allowing your heart and mind to heal.

Here are some simple ways to start forgiving others:

Write down all of the people who have hurt you over the years and why they hurt you. This will give you an inventory of what needs forgiving, but don’t worry about writing down every detail—the point here is just for awareness sake! 

Eventually though, these thoughts might become overwhelming so try not to linger on them too long when writing them down just yet…that comes later on in this exercise 🙂

Pick up where number 2 left off by listing out every single thing that was said or done wrong by each person, including how it made them feel (both physically and emotionally). 

Again, don’t worry about going into too much detail with this step either because once again; being aware matters more than how well it was written down 🙂

This was probably harder than expected wasn’t it? That’s okay! You were able see where most problems come from within relationships so now let me show how easy it gets after doing these steps:)

Forgive Yourself

Forgive yourself. The first step toward living a more mindful life is to forgive yourself for all the mistakes you’ve made in the past. You won’t be able to change them, but you can move forward with your eyes open to becoming a better person. 

If there’s something that is preventing you from moving on and feeling good about yourself (like shame), then it may help to seek support from others or talk through your issues with someone close to you who cares about your well-being.

Forgive others. Another way that mindfulness can help improve your life is if it allows you to see things differently than before including people in particular situations or circumstances who have hurt or wronged us in some way before then went on their merry way without any care at all as though nothing happened! 

By letting go of negative feelings we might have toward them (or ourselves) duelling against what happened instead of trying desperately keep hold onto it will take away some of the stressors weighing down our hearts because those feelings will no longer control our decisions anymore and who knows what else could happen when those weights are gone?

Yoga is an excellent tool for weight loss and can help you achieve your fitness goals. Check out our ultimate guide to yoga for weight loss and discover how you can transform your body and your mind with yoga.

Journal About Your Negative Emotions and Thoughts

Journaling is a great way to process your emotions and find solutions to problems. Journaling can help you identify the root cause of negative emotions and thoughts, which will then help you find solutions for them. 

It’s also an effective way to prioritize the things that make you happy, so that when tough times arise (and they will), you’ll have a list ready to go of things that can lift your spirits.

Recommended Journals to Process Negative Emotions

The Five Minute JournalProvides prompts for daily reflection, including affirmations and gratitude, to help process negative emotions and promote positivity.
The Self-Love WorkbookOffers exercises and prompts for self-exploration and introspection to better understand and process negative emotions.
The Artist’s Way Morning Pages JournalEncourages daily freewriting of three pages to help process negative emotions and express creativity.
The Anxiety and Worry WorkbookProvides exercises and prompts to challenge negative thoughts and manage anxiety.
The Resilience HandbookOffers tools and exercises to build resilience and cope with difficult emotions and experiences.

Note: The table includes some recommendations for journals that can be helpful in processing negative emotions through daily reflection, exploration, and introspection. Each journal is briefly described, and examples of specific exercises or prompts are given.

Notice The Details in Everyday Life

Have you ever been so busy that you didn’t notice the details of your everyday life? I know I have! Mindful living encourages us to take time to appreciate the little things in life, even when we feel rushed or stressed out.

This can be as simple as noticing a beautiful flower on your walk home from work, or seeing someone smile at you and feeling grateful for their kindness. 

It can also mean appreciating the smell of fresh baked bread, noticing how delicious it smells and considering what ingredients might be used to make it so perfect.

We forget about these things because we’re too busy worrying about tomorrow’s meeting or what needs done around our home this weekend. 

But if we take time to notice these little details instead of rushing through them, we’ll be able to enjoy life more fully!

Stress affects everyone, but practicing mindfulness can help you beat stress and improve your mental health. Take a look at our guide on simple mindfulness techniques to learn easy ways to manage your stress levels and achieve a more balanced and peaceful life.

Practice Mindfulness Meditation

Mindfulness meditation is a great way to practice mindfulness in your daily life. You can do it anywhere, anytime and for as little or as much time as you have available. 

Here are 5 tips to help you get started:

Find a comfortable, relaxed seated position (e.g., on a chair with feet flat on the floor or cross-legged).

Close your eyes and focus on your breath as it comes in and goes out through your nostrils: notice how it feels, sounds and smells; gently count each inbreath and each outbreath silently to yourself until you reach 10 (or whatever number works for you); then start back at 1 again with each new cycle of breathing


When thoughts arise, simply acknowledge them without judging them (e.g., “There I am thinking again”), then return calmly back to focusing solely on the breath without trying too hard—this will happen more quickly than you think! 

To help bring this about faster still when distraction strikes try saying “thinking” aloud just before returning focus towards counting/focusing on breathing again.

Practice Self-Love and Self-Care

Self-love and self-care are essential parts of a healthy life. If you don’t care for yourself, who will? It’s important to take time out of your day to do things that make you happy and make you feel good about yourself.

It can be as simple as taking a walk outside, sitting in silence with your thoughts or making love to someone special. 

When we don’t allow ourselves this time, it only adds more stress on our bodies because we’ve been neglecting ourselves by not allowing ourselves some much-needed self-love.

It’s important to remember that if we’re not taking care of ourselves first then how can others be expected to do so? 

We need each other but often times forget that fact when we become consumed with life stresses such as work or finances instead of focusing on caring for one another through honesty and openness as well as friendship and compassion.”

Recommended Self-Love and Self-Care Practices

MeditatePracticing meditation, such as with the Headspace app, can help reduce stress and anxiety and promote self-awareness.
ExerciseIncorporating exercise, such as with the Nike Training Club app, into your routine can promote physical and mental well-being.
JournalingReflecting on your thoughts and feelings through journaling can promote self-awareness and reduce stress.
Skincare routineEstablishing a skincare routine, using products from brands like Kiehl’s or Glossier, can promote self-care and self-love through taking care of your physical appearance.
Positive affirmationsRepeating positive affirmations, such as through the ThinkUp app, can boost your self-esteem and promote self-love.

Note: The table suggests some popular practices for self-love and self-care, along with a brief description and examples of brands and apps that can help in practicing them.

Remove Toxic People from Your Life

If you feel like your best self around a certain person and their presence is making you a better person, then by all means, keep them in your life. 

If they make you feel bad or bring out the worst in you, however, it’s time to remove that toxic person from your life. 

Don’t waste any more of your precious time on someone who doesn’t want to be there with you you can choose who gets to be part of your life and who doesn’t.


Remember that mindfulness is a journey, and there is no one right way to do it. It can be as simple as noticing the details in your everyday life, or as complicated as practicing self-love and self-care.

The important thing is that you keep at it, even when times get tough!

Further Reading

For more information on mindful living, check out the following resources:

Declutter The Mind: A comprehensive guide to mindful living for beginners.

Mindfulness Women: Discover 10 simple ways to transform your life with mindful living to find peace and happiness.

Wholesome Culture: A beginner’s guide to mindful living with easy-to-follow tips and tricks.


What is mindful living?

Mindful living is a way of life that involves being fully present in the moment, paying attention to our thoughts and feelings, and cultivating a sense of curiosity, openness, and acceptance towards ourselves and others.

What are the benefits of mindful living?

There are many benefits to practicing mindful living, including reduced stress and anxiety, improved emotional regulation and resilience, better relationships, increased self-awareness and self-compassion, and a greater sense of overall well-being.

How can I incorporate mindful living into my daily life?

You can incorporate mindful living into your daily life by incorporating mindfulness practices, such as meditation, mindful breathing, and body scans, into your routine; practicing gratitude and kindness towards yourself and others; and making mindful choices, such as eating mindfully and engaging in activities that bring you joy and fulfillment.

What are some common misconceptions about mindful living?

One common misconception about mindful living is that it requires you to live a completely stress-free life. While reducing stress is certainly a benefit of mindful living, it is not the goal or the only benefit. Additionally, some people mistakenly believe that mindfulness is a religious practice, but it is actually a secular practice accessible to people of all religions and backgrounds.

Do I need to have experience with meditation or mindfulness to practice mindful living?

No, you do not need to have experience with meditation or mindfulness to practice mindful living. There are many simple and accessible ways to incorporate mindfulness into your daily life, and everyone can benefit from this practice regardless of their experience level.