Unlock The Secrets Of Ancient Yoga Practices For Ultimate Enlightenment

If we are going to talk about the secrets of yoga, then we must talk about the origin of yoga. Yoga, as we know it today, has been around since ancient times. 

Many people believe that it was first practiced by Lord Shiva and his wife Parvati in their home on Mount Kailash, or others say Patanjali brought it into existence around 200 BC. 

Both these ideas, however, are not true; there is another story behind the origins of this ancient practice that many do not know about.

Ancient YOGI Secrets to ATTRACT Your DREAM Life!
– Yoga is an ancient practice that can help individuals achieve spiritual enlightenment and connect with the universe.
– By exploring the deeper meaning of Yoga practices, individuals can experience a higher level of consciousness and find balance in all aspects of their lives.
– Meditation and Yoga are complementary practices that can lead to spiritual enlightenment and inner peace.
– Through Yoga, individuals can find healing and a deeper sense of purpose, leading to improved well-being.
– Regular practice and dedication are essential when it comes to achieving spiritual enlightenment through Yoga.

1. First Secret – Pranayama

The first of the five yogic secrets is called pranayama, which means “breath control.” This ancient practice involves regulating the flow of energy throughout your body by using special breathing techniques. 

As you may know, breathing is an essential part of life. We breathe about 23,000 times each day and take up roughly 2/3rds of our lives doing so! In fact, most people don’t realize how important breathing is until they stop doing it for a few minutes (which could be dangerous). 

But with pranayama, you’ll learn some new ways to use your breath that will make it more effective for relaxing and focusing on what’s happening around you.

With just one short session per day—and no need to travel anywhere—you can begin practicing these ancient secrets in today’s world!

Yoga and spirituality are intertwined, and learning to tap into the deeper meaning of your practice can change your life. Check out our guide on how to tap into the deeper meaning of your practice to learn more about the spiritual side of yoga.

2. Second Secret – Asanas

Asanas are the physical poses that help you to achieve the benefits of yoga. There are hundreds of asanas, each with different benefits.

Asanas can be used to improve flexibility and strength through stretching, strengthening, and balancing the body. 

The most common types of asana include standing poses (standing on one leg), seated forward bends (bending forward from a standing position), backward bends (bending backwards from a standing position), twists (twisting your body around) and inversions (upside down like headstands or handstands).

3. Third Secret – Dhyana (Meditation)

Meditation is a very important part of yoga. It is a form of mental discipline, relaxation and purification. Meditation is a process of concentration of the mind on one object or idea. 

Let’s take a closer look at what it really means to meditate and how you can become more familiar with its benefits in your daily life.

Meditation has been practiced throughout time by countless people around the world as they strive to achieve higher states of consciousness while simultaneously learning how to master their minds in order to achieve greater peace and happiness within themselves. 

In fact, many great thinkers such as Carl Jung have found that meditation provides an excellent way for anyone who wishes for better understanding about themselves so that they may live happier lives overall!

One thing we know about meditation: It helps us focus our thoughts on something positive rather than being distracted by negative thoughts which tend not only keep us from enjoying life fully but also prevent us from accomplishing anything worthwhile at all!

Yoga has a unique power to promote spiritual development. Explore our article on the spiritual power of yoga to discover how it can help you connect with your inner self.

4. Fourth Secret – Niyamas

The second limb of Ashtanga yoga is called Niyama, which means observances or obligations. 

The Niyamas are the practices one must follow in order to be on the right path toward enlightenment. They include purity, contentment, self-discipline and surrender to God (Brahman).

Here are some of the Niyamas’ best tips for living a better life:

Purity – This practice teaches you how to purify your body, mind and soul by following five simple rules: cleanliness; contentment; austerity; study of scriptures; prayerfulness. These five things will help you lead a healthy life and become closer to God through meditation.

SauchaCleanliness, purity
SantoshaContentment, satisfaction
TapasDiscipline, persistence
SvadhyayaSelf-study, self-reflection
Ishvara PranidhanaSurrender to a higher power

5. Fifth Secret – Bandhas

There are three bandhas in yoga: mula bandha, uddiyana bandha and jalandhara bandha. They are locks that help to control the flow of prana (life force) through the body.

The first is mula bandha, which is located at your pelvic floor area near your tail bone. It contracts your perineum muscles by lifting them upwards towards your pubic bone. 

This creates a downward pull on the lower abdomen and helps bring energy into it while keeping it grounded into earth energy.

The second is uddiyana bandha and this one involves drawing up air into the upper chest cavity during inhalation and then holding it there until you exhale again before repeating this process once more with another inhale-hold-exhale sequence. 

In this way you’re moving pranic energy upwards through several chakra points along your spine before releasing it out through the crown chakra when you exhale at the end of each set of three breaths (known as an “inhale-hold-exhale”).

Combining yoga and meditation is the perfect way to achieve spiritual enlightenment. Check out our article on yoga and meditation to learn how these practices can take you to new spiritual heights.

6. Sixth Secret – Mudras

The sixth secret is mudras. They are hand gestures used in yoga to open and close the energy channels, activate the chakras and stimulate the kundalini energy. They can also be used to heal various ailments. 

There are countless mudras that you can learn through books or by watching videos on YouTube. Once you master a few common ones, you can use them in conjunction with your other practices to improve your overall health and wellbeing!

7. Seventh Secret – Chakras and Kundalini Shakti

The chakras are energy centres located along the spine. The chakras are: Muladhara (root), Svadhisthana (sacral), Manipura (solar plexus), Anahata (heart), Vishuddhi (throat) and Ajna (third eye). 

When kundalini shakti is awakened, it rises up through these seven centres of consciousness, opening them to receive spiritual energy.

When you have reached high levels of enlightenment and control over your life force/prana, you can merge with the universal energies that surround us all. The result is ultimate enlightenment!

8. Eighth Secret – Kriyas and Dhautis

Kriyas are cleansing practices that help to remove toxins from the body. They can be performed in a variety of ways, but the most common is through breathing exercises.

Dhautis are cleansing practices that remove toxins from the digestive tract. They focus on techniques such as neti (nasal cleaning), basti (enema) and tratak (gazing).

Inner peace and spiritual growth are at the core of yoga practice. Find out more about how to achieve these states in our article on finding inner peace through yoga, the ultimate guide to spiritual growth.

9. Ninth Secret – Mantra Yoga : The Science of Sound and Vibration

Mantra Yoga is a part of the eightfold path to enlightenment as described in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. 

It consists of using sounds, vibrations and words for self-realization and spiritual growth. Mantras are Sanskrit words that have been repeated by millions of people over thousands of years, which has led them to become ingrained in our psyche due to their power over time.

By repeating mantras we develop a certain attitude towards life, create new neural pathways and open ourselves up to new ideas and possibilities while eliminating fears and doubts within us through continuous repetition until they become ingrained into our sub-consciousness. 

The mantra practice leads us towards inner peace and happiness, improves our concentration levels as well as increases our energy levels so that we can perform better at work or school – it’s like having super powers!

10. Tenth Secret – Tantra and Hatha Yoga

Tantra is the practice of yoga in its most advanced state. It is said that Tantra is the union of body, mind and spirit. In other words, when you are able to reach such a state, you will be able to synchronize your body with your mind and spirit.

Tantra also means union between an individual and universal energy or God as it were. In this form of yoga, there has to be complete synchronization between man and woman for them both to attain enlightenment in their own way through tantric practices like sacred sex or karezza (non-orgasmic intercourse).

11. Eleventh Secret – Ayurveda : The Science of Healthy Living

Ayurveda can be defined as a holistic approach to health and wellness. It is an ancient Indian medical science that dates back to over 5000 years.

Ayurveda means ‘science of life’ or ‘knowledge of life’. It is not just about treating diseases but also about living a healthy lifestyle, leading a happy and peaceful life.

12. Twelfth Secret – Yoga Sutras of Patanjali : The Eightfold Path to Enlightenment

The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali: The Eightfold Path to Enlightenment is a fundamental text of Yoga philosophy. It was written in approximately 200 CE by the Indian sage Patanjali and is one of the most important texts on Yoga. In this text, you will learn about the many benefits of practicing yoga on your path toward enlightenment.


As you can see, there are many ancient yoga practices that have been around for thousands of years. 

But why do these techniques work so well? That’s because they have been developed and refined over thousands of years by yogis who wanted to find the path towards enlightenment. 

These ancient yoga practices are still relevant today because they offer you a powerful way to connect with your inner self and find balance in your life. So make sure you get started on one or all of these secrets today!

Mindfulness is the key to achieving holistic wellness. Check out our article on the power of mindfulness to understand how it can transform your mental and physical wellbeing.

Further Reading

Here are some additional resources related to yoga and spiritual enlightenment that you may find helpful:

Mastering Kriya Yoga: A comprehensive guide to mastering the ancient technique of Kriya Yoga.

The Benefits of Yoga and Mindfulness for Healthcare Providers During COVID-19: This article discusses the benefits of Yoga and mindfulness for healthcare providers during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Swift Path: A book that explores the Buddhist practice of Vipassana meditation and its role in spiritual transformation.


What is spiritual enlightenment, and how is it achieved through yoga?

Yoga is one of the spiritual practices that can help individuals achieve spiritual enlightenment, which is a state of inner peace, oneness, and complete awareness. By practicing Yoga regularly, individuals can develop a deeper connection with themselves and the universe, leading to spiritual enlightenment.

What are the different Yoga practices that can help achieve spiritual enlightenment?

There are various Yoga techniques that can help individuals achieve spiritual enlightenment, including Hatha Yoga, Kriya Yoga, Raja Yoga, and Kundalini Yoga.

How often should I practice Yoga to achieve spiritual enlightenment?

Regular practice is essential when it comes to achieving spiritual enlightenment through Yoga. How frequently one practices Yoga will depend on their individual goals, schedule, and lifestyle.

What are some of the benefits of achieving spiritual enlightenment through Yoga?

Some of the benefits of achieving spiritual enlightenment through Yoga include inner peace, heightened awareness, reduced stress and anxiety, improved focus, and a deep sense of connection with the universe.

Can everyone achieve spiritual enlightenment through Yoga?

Yes, anyone can achieve spiritual enlightenment through Yoga, regardless of their age, gender, religion, or level of physical fitness. The path to spiritual enlightenment, however, is unique to each individual, and it may take some time to achieve complete oneness and awareness.